"Such a beautiful couple." Jane said as she walked by, smiling. Jeff held Steven close. "Shut up Jane." He growled. "Hey, hey, hey. I was just being nice~" Jane giggled and left. "You know Jeff, you could be nicer t-to her. She was just being nice." Steven spoke quietly. Jeff sighed. "I guess you're right. I'll try." Jeff smiled at Steven. "T-Thank you, Jeff." Steven kissed Jeff, Jeff kissed back, smiling still. 
Jeff walking around, looking for him. "Steven!?" Jeff called, sighing. "What?!" He called back. Jeff sighed in relief. "Where are you?" Jeff asked, walking to your voice. Steven jumped out of no where. "Right here!" He laughed and hugged Jeff tightly. "Promise me one thing." "What?" Jeff tilted his head. "You won't hurt me in anyway." Jeff nodded and hugged Steven tightly. Steven smiled and closed his eyes.
Steven soon fell asleep. He was soon woken up by Jane. "J-Jane, what's wrong?" Steven stuttered. Jane pulled you up, holding your hand and bringing you to Jeff and Eyeless Jack...Kissing? Steven felt tears rolling down his cheeks. "J-Jeff?" Steven stuttered, crying. Jeff immediately pulled away, upset. "Steven?!" Jeff looked at you, crying. Jeff walked to you, trying to touch you. Steven growled. "Don't fucking touch me, you asshole!" Steven cried hard. Jeff's eyes widen in shock. "Go with Eyeless Jack, just fucking leave me alone!" Steven cried harder, hugging Jane tightly. "T-Thanks for being this to my attention J-Jane..." Steven stuttered and grabbed her hand, walking away.
Steven had the door locked, crying into his pillow. Toby knocked on his door. "Steven, can you unlock the door so I can come in?" Toby asked. Steven got up, unlocked the door and opened it. "I'm sorry about what happened." Toby said while hugging you. "I-It's fine..." Steven sighed, crying on Toby. Toby lifted his head up. "You're not okay, and I know you aren't." Toby shivered and hugged Steven. "I'm so so sorry." Toby said. "You know Toby, you didn't do anything." "I know but still." Toby then sighed. Jeff walked by, looking at you sadly. All you did was hug Toby, sighing and crying. 
When he were alone in your room, Jeff walked in, sadly. You looked over and rolled over on  his side. "What do you want, Jeff?" Steven sighed angrily. "I want to apologize." He said, sitting on your bed. Steven growled again, sighing at the same time. "You know, you did kiss my best friend. I can't forgive you for that." Jeff hugged you, you couldn't help but hug back. "He kissed me, I didn't kiss back, I was pushing away, but, each time I tried pulling away he tightened his grip." Jeff explained. "After all, I wouldn't break my promise." He smiled. "Fine... But if you fuck up one more time, you're gone." Steven sighed, smiling. "Yes! I know!" Jeff picked you up. "Thank you!!" Jeff then kissed you as you held onto him, kissing back.